Bearing in mind the world, breaking the dimension of development, and promoting the high-quality development of legal education in the new era

-- A profile on the 30th anniversary of legal education at BNC

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"Science and technology global governance and new human rights protection are important issues facing the current global human rights governance。We should promote innovation in human rights concepts and diversified ways of thinking, and ensure that emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology bring benefits rather than risks to all mankind。”

October 12, 2023,CCTV News Broadcast reported that Chinese social organizations held a number of themed side meetings during the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council,A delegation of China Society for Human Rights Studies, composed of seven experts from the Center for Science and Technology Human Rights of Beijing Institute of Technology, delivered a speech at the conference,The sound filled the hall。

In recent years,The university aims at building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics,Continue to strengthen the construction of fine liberal arts,Enhance the driving force, collaboration and innovation of the development of the liberal arts,Strive to shape a high-quality liberal arts development system,Strengthen the cross-integration of science, technology and literature,Highlight school characteristics,Strive to build the Northern Neo-Confucianism,Make a northern sound。The high-quality development of the law discipline has demonstrated the outstanding results of the construction of fine liberal arts in the university。

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In 1994, in order to meet the needs of legal talents for the vigorous development of the market economy, the school established the major of law (Economic Law), and the School of Law was established in 2008。Since its establishment, the law discipline of BTECH has inherited the red gene, cultivated the national feelings, and is committed to cultivating high-quality legal talents, creating first-class scientific research results, and serving the national legal cause and economic and social development。For thirty years,The legal education of Beijing Institute of Technology has gradually entered the international stage,On the road to the construction of the rule of law in China, a new track has been opened up by the Beijing Institute of Technology,It has trained nearly 4,000 compound legal talents who are proficient in intelligent technology and legal knowledge,Teachers have published more than 100 books,He has published more than 300 papers,More than 50 think tank achievements have been achieved,More than 60 projects at or above the provincial and ministerial level have been approved by the National Social Science Fund and the Beijing Social Science Fund。

Characteristic development,We will promote the development of disciplines to a new level

Thirty years is not a long time for the development of a discipline。In the era of the competitive development of law disciplines in many universities across the country, how can young law disciplines rapidly enhance their discipline strength, take the road of fine liberal arts construction, and achieve "overtaking the curve"??Beijing Polytechnic School of Law handed in a special answer paper。

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"China always believes that we should effectively promote the cross-border flow of data based on the Belt and Road through bilateral and multilateral data protection cooperation, and fully release the development potential of international cooperation.。In August 2022, the "Belt and Road" Commercial Legal Cooperation Summit Forum sponsored by the International Dispute Prevention and Resolution Institute of the University was held in Xi 'an, and Professor Hong Yanqing of the Law School made a speech on the cross-border flow of data。

The International Dispute Prevention and Settlement Institute was established in October 2018,It is a scientific research and teaching institution jointly built by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and the University,Guided by the legal needs of the "Belt and Road" construction,We are committed to providing control solutions for enterprises in the industry,Cultivate high-level talents for society,Provide high-quality think tank support to relevant international organizations and countries,To provide an open platform for academic exchange and international cooperation。The establishment and development of the Institute has directly driven the discipline of law to carry out research and services at the international frontier, enhanced its international influence, and effectively promoted the discipline of law to the world stage。Since its construction, the Institute has organized more than 10 large-scale international conferences, provided think tank support for the World Trade Organization and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, obtained more than 20 projects adopted by relevant departments, obtained major projects approved by the National Social Science Fund, and published more than 20 papers in high-level academic journals at home and abroad。

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The opening ceremony of the Institute for International Dispute Prevention and Resolution of Beijing Institute of Technology

In recent years, the university has formed unique disciplinary advantages and talent advantages in frontier fields such as artificial intelligence, big data, quantum communication, aerospace information, and biotechnology。Guided by the situation, the Law School actively integrates into the overall development and construction of the school, promotes the cross-integration of superior engineering and fine liberal arts, drives the overall development of the law discipline through the school's characteristic disciplines, builds a first-class platform for the national strategic needs, builds a national think tank, and pushes the law discipline to a new level。

"Human rights in the digital world is different from the traditional judicial protection logic, not only the upgrade of traditional judicial tools, but also the reshaping of judicial mechanisms, which explores a new path for modern judicial civilization and human rights judicial protection.。On September 20, 2023, Qi Yanping, professor of the University and director of the Academic Committee of the Science and Technology Human Rights Research Center of the Law School, delivered a keynote speech at the "2023 China-Eu Human Rights Seminar", proposing a new direction for digital human rights。

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The Science and Technology Human Rights Research Center is a new disciplinary platform for the law school to give full play to the role of interdisciplinary integration and take science and technology human rights as the main direction of construction。Since its inception in 2008,The center focuses on the frontier of the intersection of science and technology and human rights,Practice science and technology for the people,Promote the advancement of science and technology,Scientific and technological development and human rights protection complement each other,A series of innovative achievements have been formed in the aspects of theoretical innovation, education and training, mentor and government advice, etc,It will be approved as a National Human Rights Education and Training Base in 2021。Three years since the base was approved,The center has achieved a series of high-level scientific research achievements,Including major and key projects of the National Social Science Fund,There are more than 20 major projects of Beijing Social Science Fund and Ministry of Education Social Science Fund,He has published more than 40 high-level papers,Many teachers have made their voices heard in major national human rights advocacy activities,It has been reported by Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily。

Facing the national strategic needs, integrating into the international innovation stage, building a national think tank, promoting the cross-integration of superior engineering and fine liberal arts, and building a first-class platform, the School of Law of Beijing Technology has promoted the discipline of law to a new level with unique innovative measures。In 30 years of development and construction,The discipline of law has also built a number of national provincial and ministerial platforms, such as the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology Legal Risk Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Space Law Center of the National Space Administration, and the International Governance Research Base of the Cyberspace Administration of China,It has developed rapidly around the two features of "law + technology" and "foreign-related rule of law",We will promote the vigorous development of basic legal disciplines such as international law, civil and commercial law, jurisprudence and administrative law, criminal law, procedure law, and environmental law,It has walked out of a road of legal innovation and development of Beitech。

Build a nest to attract the phoenix,Strive to build a first-class teaching staff

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Law school staff photo

Teachers are the source of the rapid development of a subject, and the quality and level of teachers directly determine the speed and effectiveness of the development of a subject。The discipline of law has always adhered to the combination of training and introduction, precise support, nest and recruitment, and has created an excellent teaching team with high education, young, international, reasonable structure, distinctive characteristics, and equal emphasis on teaching and scientific research, providing a source of living water for the development of the discipline。

The growth experience of Professor Li Shouping, the president of the law school, is a typical representative of the law school's independent cultivation of talents。In 2001, after graduating from Wuhan University, Li Shouping came to the law School to engage in teaching and research in the field of international law。Over the years,He led the team to set up a space law discipline platform, establish the Space Law Center of the National Space Administration, obtain the approval of major projects of the National Social Science Fund, and plan the innovative model of "law + intelligent technology" talent training,He was elected member of the International Academy of Astronautics in 2018,In 2021, he was awarded the National Leading Talent in Philosophy and Social Sciences,He became the first national leading talent independently cultivated by the law school。

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Professor Li Shouping is with the students

Under the strategic guidance of the school's fine liberal arts construction, the Law School adheres to cross-integration, takes the road of characteristic development, and actively builds a platform for talent development and provides development support。A number of young teachers are growing rapidly. Associate Professor Wang Guoyu of the Department of Space Law has served as the outer space Legal adviser of the Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center of the National Space Administration, and has participated in relevant meetings of the United Nations Committee on Outer Space Affairs for many years。As an expert of the Space Traffic Management Committee of the International Astronautical Federation, Associate Professor Yang Kuan has participated in important international conferences such as the Seminar on National Space Legislation of the member states of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, becoming a rising star in the field of international law。

In addition to independent training, nesting and attracting talents are also magic weapons for the construction of the law school's talent team。In 2018, through the school's flexible talent introduction policy, the Law School introduced Professor Qi Yanping, the seventh National Top Ten Outstanding Young Jurists。His arrival has injected a strong impetus into the construction of the faculty of the college。He took the lead in declaring the construction of the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Technology Legal Risk Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Human rights education and training base, making the characteristics of "law + technology" more prominent。At the same time, he also actively played the role of attracting talents, attracting a group of outstanding scholars such as Xiao Junyong and Hong Yanqing to work at the University, effectively enriching the research force of the law discipline in the field of science and technology human rights。

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Professor Qi Yanping teaches the students

"Thirty years ago, in a simple office on the fifth floor of the main building, several of our teachers discussed with the department leaders how to do a good job in economic law, thirty years later today, the college has a high-level team of nearly 60 teachers.。Professor Chen Jun, the first teacher of the law discipline, as an eyewitness of the development and construction of the college, witnessed the college's development from small to large, and the team from few to excellent。

"Cultivate talents at home and select talents from abroad"。The law school gives full play to the demonstration effect and the head goose effect,It has built professional teams with features such as "intelligent technology and law", "International dispute prevention and resolution" and "Science and Technology and human rights",Rely on the strength of the team to help young teachers grow rapidly,A number of young people who are active in the academic stage of law have emerged,The overall structure of the faculty of the College has been further optimized。At present, there are 65 full-time teachers, including 4 state-level leading talents and 5 people in charge of society organizations at all levels, and the academic influence of the college has been comprehensively enhanced。

Cultivate both morality and law,Cultivate outstanding legal talents

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The Law School hosted the 5th National Smart Technology Rule of Law Forum

"Talent training is the fundamental task of a university and the core mission of discipline construction。What kind of talents should Law discipline cultivate?How to respond to the needs of The Times?We have been exploring and practicing。"Law school Party secretary Zhang Yu said。The Opinions on Strengthening Legal Education and Legal Theory Research in the New Era, issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council, is a guiding, strategic and programmatic document guiding China's legal education and legal theory research in the new era, further pointing out the direction for the training of legal talents and providing fundamental guidelines。In recent years,The Party Committee of the college continuously strengthens the overall leadership of the Party,坚持以习近平法治思想为根本遵循,Adhere to the correct political direction,We will continue to strengthen ideological and political development,The Party's leadership will be carried out in all aspects of the whole process of legal education and legal theory research,Closely around the iterative development of intelligent science and technology and the great changes not seen in a century, the country's demand for legal talents,It is committed to training high-level and compound legal talents to serve the national strategy and meet the needs of The Times。

"As the guide of students' growth, we should not only train students to become experts and scholars in a certain field, but also pay attention to the shaping of students' ideal character and improve the positive influence on students' growth.。Beijing teaching teacher, law school professor Zhang Yanli talk。法学院将《冰球突破》作为必修课程,全面推进习近平法治思想进教材、进课堂、进头脑,Guide students to become firm believers, firm practitioners and strong defenders of Marxist legal thought and socialist rule of law theory with Chinese characteristics,Strive to train more legal talents with firm ideals and convictions, strong feelings for the family and the country, and solid legal foundation。

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The Law school student won the first prize in the Simulated International Investment Arbitration Shenzhen Cup and advanced to the Global competition

In the information age, artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities and challenges to higher education。The Law School actively responds to the needs of new talents for the development of The Times, and takes the lead in building a double bachelor's degree program of "Law - Artificial Intelligence" in China, and is committed to cultivating compound talents who are "proficient in artificial intelligence and legal knowledge"。In the construction of the "Law - Artificial Intelligence" project,The School of Law and the School of Computer Science jointly develop training programs,Guided by the needs of smart legislation, law enforcement, justice, law enforcement and legal services,It has opened the characteristic cross-courses such as "Introduction to Information Network Law" and "Data Law",Keep up with the development trend of "new liberal arts" and "new law",Covers the basics and cutting-edge content in emerging fields,To help students better understand changes in the legal order in the age of artificial intelligence,Strengthen the foundation of law and artificial intelligence,Shape compound and innovative thinking。The project "Reform of the Training Mode of Composite high-end Legal Talents in Law + Technology" won the first prize of Beijing Higher Education Teaching Achievement。

In August 2022, the good news came from the Moot court competition of "Simulated International Investment Arbitration Shenzhen Cup", and the team of the School of Law of Beijing Technology won the first prize of the national group and advanced to the global competition。In recent years,Law students excel in national and international competitions,He has won many awards in large Moot court competitions, such as the East Asian Regional Selection of the "Stenson" International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, the National International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition (English), the Beijing University Student Moot Court Competition, and the International Space Law Moot Court Competition。

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The Law School and Beijing First Intermediate People's Court jointly build a joint training base for practical legal talents

The Law School always adheres to the educational concept of "combining theory with practice, combining basic disciplines with characteristic disciplines", takes practical teaching as an important link, and builds a practical personnel training system。In addition to leading students to participate in competitions and building a "class competition" platform,The school has also established more than 20 practical training bases with international organizations, local public security departments, and industrial enterprises,Create a rich practical education platform;Establish the "double tutor System" of joint training,Courses are offered by instructors both inside and outside the school,Continuous innovation and reform in teaching methods,Focus on legal practical skills training,The practical ability and innovative ability of students have been greatly improved。In addition, the college also relies on the "Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the Legal Prevention and Control of Intelligent Technology Risks" to promote the integration of science and education and build a comprehensive and three-dimensional practical teaching system。

习近平总书记强调,“在法学学科体系建设上要有底气、有自信。Be self-oriented, inclusive and distinctive."。Over the past 30 years, the law education of the University of Technology has adhered to moral education, moral and legal cultivation, braved the wind and waves, forged ahead, and answered the proposition of The Times "The construction of a strong country, what is law" with one innovative move。