[Profile] Gong Xiangqian: Deep cultivation of law, responsibility for the country, cultivate talents!

[Editor's note] On the occasion of the Party's in-depth study and education of Party history,The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee specially launched the special report of "Always go with the Party and forge a new journey",Comprehensively demonstrate the achievements of the school in strengthening Party leadership and party building,Tell the story of Beili workers' struggle vividly,Extensive cohesion of the school cause development of the great power,We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements。

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Wearing a hard hat and stepping on black coal washing water, he is in the coal washing room of the coal mine factory and the staff are talking warmly...Such a work scene does not seem to meet the public's "setting" for an international law scholar, but it is the daily work of Gong Xiangqian, a professor at the Beijing Institute of Technology Law School。

“作为一个国际法学人,要深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想,强化法治思维,深入实际,心怀天下苍生,真正了解事情的真相和本质,才能更加准确地运用法律维护公平正义。In 2007, Gong Xiangqian, as the first post-doctoral student of Tsinghua University Law School, came to Beijing University of Science and Technology to teach in the law Department。In 2009, the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology was officially established, and Gong Qianqian grew from a young teacher to a law professor, from a "new Taipei worker" to the head of the Institute of International Law of the School of Law of Beijing Institute of Technology, and vice president of the Institute of International Dispute Prevention and Resolution。In the past 14 years, Gong Qianqian has developed in the same frequency and resonance with the college, making important contributions to the training of high-quality and high-level foreign-related legal talents。

Twenty years like a day, precipitation "alchemy"

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"Although the foreign-related rule of law is a highly international field, it also needs a" local approach "to seek truth from facts, and it cannot be self-righteous after reading foreign language materials.。Therefore, my academic philosophy is deeply integrated with the school's learning style of seeking truth from facts and not being self-righteous。Gong Xiangqian said。

"COVID-19 claims are political farce。...Mankind is a community with a shared future. Only by working together to promote the positive interaction and development of international and domestic rule of law in public health can countries find a way out to safeguard global public health security。..."The article "Why say the epidemic claim is a political farce" published in the global network, word by word, sonorous and powerful。

After the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, certain countries arbitrarily fabricated facts, maliciously cast blame and smeared China's epidemic prevention and control work。Gong Xiangqian is on many important media platforms,Timely sound,Integrate knowledge of international law into the pages,Every word is beautiful,Fight back forcefully against misstatements,At the same time, he wrote more than 10 consulting reports,It has provided intellectual support for international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control,It fully demonstrates the patriotic feelings and mission of the legal staff of the Beijing Institute of Technology。

No steps, no even miles;Without small streams, there is no river。Being able to make such a powerful and in-depth voice at the critical moment of epidemic prevention and control is not practiced overnight, which is behind Gong Xiangqian's nearly 20 years of accumulation and precipitation in the field of international rule of law。

Back in 2003 when SARS broke out,Gong Xiangqian, a doctoral candidate at Wuhan University's Institute of International Law, has already begun to study the International Health Regulations and relevant legal literature on fighting the epidemic,此后,He undertook "four vertical" projects, including the National Social Science Foundation, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice and the China Law Society,As the first author, he has published papers such as Research on International Law of Virus Sharing in Chinese Law, Jurist and SSCI journals,Among them, there are more than 10 articles reprinted in full by the photocopy materials of Renmin University of China。Since 2007, he has expanded his research field to global energy and environmental rule of law, winning the second prize for Outstanding Achievements in Humanities and Social Sciences of National Universities and the first prize for outstanding papers of China Energy Law Research Society。

Care for details, responsibility first

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He is not only an excellent legal worker, but also an excellent teacher。While carrying out legal research, Gong Xiangqian integrated his concern for students into every detail of teaching and educating people。

"I am lucky to meet every student, and I cherish the opportunity to teach and grow with my classmates.  。Gong went on。When it comes to students, Gong Qianqian is like a number of family Jane, who once "tired of studying and skipping classes" grew up to be a well-known lawyer, and the little girl who wrote the high-end talent project plan of the China Scholarship Council in a week has become a high-end legal talent working abroad...He was filled with pride as he recalled his time with the students。

Speaking of the student who had skipped class, Gong was impressed by him because of a "disappearance" in class.。In the fall of 2014, the student, who was actively interacting with the teacher in class, caught Gong's attention。"His ability to grasp knowledge is very strong, basically a knowledge point he can do to draw inferences, is a very smart student.。"Gong Xiangqian recalled。However, a few weeks later, he did not show up for an in-class exam, and for the next few days, he was still absent。Gong Xiangqian was very worried, worried about the safety of the child。After asking his roommate, he learned that he had been playing games in the Internet cafe these days。Although the worry has eased by half, Gong is still worried about students' Internet addiction。Then, in the constant communication with him, Gong Xiangqian followed his instructions, and finally he graduated with excellent grades and became an excellent lawyer。

"In the communication with his parents, I deeply feel the heart of the world's parents, as well as a heavy responsibility as a teacher!"After coming to Beijing Institute of Technology, with the strong support of the university, Gong Xiangqian went to the University of Dundee in the UK and the University of Waterloo in Canada as a visiting scholar twice。In the process of communication, he still undertook the work of talent training and did not slack off at all. Even if there was a time difference, he would reply to students' questions at any time。"Once, I had an urgent matter, I was in a hurry to contact Teacher Gong at noon Beijing time, and I ignored that it was midnight in the teacher's time zone。But to my great surprise, the teacher replied to me at the first time and explained to me patiently and carefully。Student Zhang Meng said。

With "local method" to study, teaching and learning

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"Gong always taught us to read the English judgment word by word and read the legal provisions, although some of the content is difficult to understand, but we always have different harvest after studying," said CAI Yidi, a student。In teaching, Gong Xiangqian always insists that students read English literature "with the original taste"。Whether it is legal articles or case studies, he insists that students read the original text and international court decisions, and study and understand word by word。

CAI Yidi is one of Gong's most impressive students. During her graduate studies, she was "obsessed" with the study of English original works, and has now grown into a high-end legal talent working abroad。It is from this teaching concept,CAI Yidi was able to accumulate solid legal literacy and practical ability,Before he could publish his first paper in English,Only when the National Scholarship Council publishes the notice of project solicitation,The plan was quickly written and won the first batch of high-end international legal talents project funded by the China Scholarship Council。

Over the past 14 years, Gong Xiangqian has witnessed the growth and vigorous development of the law School, and has also taught and learned from groups of students in education and teaching。In the classroom, he is a dedicated teacher, and outside the classroom, he is a role model for students to learn from。

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