High standards and high quality, gathering the great power of the new journey of struggle -- Beijing Institute of Technology to carry out the Party history learning education documentary

近日,习近平总书记作出重要指示指出,在全党开展党史学习教育,是党中央立足百年党史新起点、着眼开创事业发展新局面作出的一项重大战略决策。习近平总书记强调,要认真总结这次党史学习教育的成功经验,Establish regular and long-term institutional mechanisms,Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of Party history learning and education。

On December 24, the Central Party History Study and Education Summary meeting was held in Beijing。冰球突破党委第一时间组织师生学习习近平总书记重要指示精神,组织全校各级党组织认真做好党史学习教育总结。


The school Party Committee Theoretical Study Center group visited the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and organized the oath ceremony

Over the past year, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology has strengthened organizational leadership, given full play to its characteristics and advantages, and carried out the study and education of Party history with high standards and high quality, which has set off a boom in the study of history, the study of history, the study of Shi Chongde, and the study of history, and the study of history。

Make overall plans and strive for demonstration

Learning education aims at high standards and high quality

"The school Party committee has always closely adhered to the main theme of party history learning and education, solidly promoted the work, formed bright features, created a good atmosphere, and made a good start.。On June 24, Cheng Tianquan, head of the first traveling guidance group of the Party History learning education College of the Ministry of Education, made such an evaluation when leading a team to investigate the Party history learning education of the North Institute of Technology。

Focus on "high standard and high quality",The Party Committee of the school regards the organization and development of the study and education of Party history as a major political task throughout the year,As the first of the four key work of the school,Strengthen top-level planning,Focus on first-class construction,Elaborate the work plan,Through the four plates of "learning the century-old Party history", "knowing the red school history", "educating new people in the era" and "doing first-class cause", 16 major items and 41 minor key work are jointly promoted。


The school held a party history learning and education mobilization conference

On February 26, the first day of the new semester, the school officially launched the school's party history study and education, the establishment of a leading group and office, the leader of the leading group is Zhao Changlu, the secretary of the Party Committee of the school, and the principal Zhang Jun。Since then, the Party Committee of the school has strengthened the organization and leadership, held regular work meetings, issued monthly work guidelines, formed a roving steering group to strengthen supervision and guidance, and ensured the solid, high standard and high-quality promotion of Party history learning and education。

Six "take the lead" to form a demonstration

In the past year,The Party Committee of the university took the lead in convening a mobilization meeting for the study and education of Party history among all universities in the country,First to hold the central information group report,It was first reported by the full page of "Red Ship's original Heart" of Guangming Daily,It was first reported by the official website of Party History learning and education,Take the lead in launching original documentaries,The course "History of the Communist Party of China" was first offered。

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The 20th Steering Group of the Party History Learning and Education Central Committee came to the school for investigation

The Party committee of the school not only lists the party history study and education as an annual key work, but also uses the high standard of "taking the lead" to constantly promote the work to achieve new results, ensure high quality, and form a demonstration。On October 19, the school, as a typical representative of high-quality Party history study and education in national colleges and universities, accepted the special investigation of the 20th Steering Group of the Central Committee and was fully affirmed。

Three "through integration", implementation of "full coverage"

"Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the theme of Chinese history since modern times and the greatest dream of the Chinese nation。...It was not until the founding of the Communist Party of China that the great cause of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation had its backbone and backbone, and found the right path..."This is Zhang Erjia, a young teacher from the School of Marxism, giving a course on "the history of the Communist Party of China" to undergraduates。

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"Always follow the Party to forge ahead on a new journey" theme education activities

Over the past year, the school Party Committee has faced all party members of the school, focused on leading cadres, radiated all teachers and students, highlighted hierarchical classification, and solidly promoted the "full coverage" of school education.。According to the different characteristics of students, teachers and cadres,Focus on strengthening the "three through integration",The "four histories" education focusing on Party history education will be integrated into students' ideological and political education,Promote the ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political, the first class and the second class resonance,Guide students to firmly "four self-confidence";Integrate into the construction of teachers' ethics and style,We will improve the education and cultivation system, the practice and cultivation system, and the honor system,Carry out the "Yan 'an Roots Finding Plan" for new teachers,Guide teachers to be good "four guides";Integrate into the construction of high-quality cadres,Continuously improve the political quality, theoretical level, professional ability and practical ability of the cadre team,We will build a team of leading cadres who are politically competent, responsible and committed to excellence。

There are theories, there are stories, there are examples, there are actions

Learning education is solid and vivid

How to let party members, cadres, teachers and students learn deeply?

How to make learning and education vivid?

How to turn the learning effect into the motivation to do practical things and great things?


Over the past year, with the in-depth thinking of "high standard and high quality", the school Party committee has insisted on high station planning, highlighting characteristics, integrating advantages, and innovative ways, and has built a "four" work mode with theory, story, example, and action in the work practice。

To learn Party history well, we must have theories.

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Ouyang Song, a member of the Central propaganda group, preached the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee at the Beijing Institute of Technology

Party Secretary Zhao Changlu and President Zhang Jun respectively presided over the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the collective preparation meeting of the "History of the Communist Party of China" ideological and political lessons;Organize the members of the school leadership team to adhere to the link between theory and practice,Carefully prepare key speeches in line with the responsibilities of the management,Talk about special party lessons;Ouyang Song, Feng Jun and Yang Fengcheng, members of the Central propaganda group, were invited to give lectures on campus.Organized 23 school Party committee theory central group learning throughout the year,The group study seminar 10 times;8 assigned learning materials for Party members and cadres of the whole school;Monthly guidance and theoretical study guide for 20 issues;Hold special training for middle-level leaders;Carry out the Party branch "union of students and lectures",Selected 100 excellent essays and 100 excellent micro works......

In the past year,School Party Committee Grasps the "three key stages",Give play to the "three-level linkage" mechanism of the theoretical study center group of the Party Committee,By carefully organizing thematic learning, incorporating it into the cadre training system, comprehensively carrying out propaganda and interpretation, actively carrying out theoretical research, and integrating it into ideological and political classroom teaching,Strive to form vivid practice,Guide the whole school teachers and students to learn history and reason,With high standards and high quality, we will learn "why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism is practiced, and why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good"。

To improve the effectiveness of learning,The Party Committee of the school invited members of the Central propaganda group and experts in Party history research to hold "expert classes";Select ideological and political teachers, retired cadres, young teachers, excellent student party members to form a group to teach "tutorial",More than 100 presentations;Launched a series of public courses on the Spiritual pedigree of the Communist Party of China,And follow up the research of major ideas and theories in real time;Take the lead in offering the ideological and political course "History of the Communist Party of China",Give full play to the theoretical advantages of Marxist college,Promote "four histories" education into the mind, into textbooks, into the classroom。Through the construction of "four major courses", the theoretical curriculum system of "full coverage" has been established, so that teachers and students of cadres can taste the "taste of truth".。

Enhance the "three letters" to "have a story"

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Beijing Institute of Technology is the first university in the country to launch the original documentary "Red Education Road" on Party history learning education.

"We have always been educated by the Party, so no matter how hard the life around us is, it is not at all bitter in spirit!"At the end of March, in the documentary "Red Education Road", the red school history story shared by He Guanghui, an alumnus of the school in Yan 'an period, touched teachers and students。

In the study and education of Party history, the school Party Committee will combine "learning a hundred years of Party history" with "knowing the red history of the school", and guide Party members, cadres and teachers and students to tree faith, enhance faith, and firm confidence with vivid "red stories"。

In the past year,Launched the original documentary "Red Education Road",And organize the whole school teachers and students to watch the movie;Launched the centennial film "Xu Teli", "Jin Jing" and "First",Generate reading volume double "10w+";Cooperated with the Memorial Hall of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to launch the theme exhibition "Blowing the Horn for the Anti-Japanese War";Released the "Red School History" series of spiritual and cultural posters......

To tell the red story vividly,The school gives full play to the advantages of virtual reality technology (VR) in carrying out ideological and political teaching,Build the "Party's spiritual lineage" teaching corridor,Launched the micro course of "Xu Teli, the old Dean of the Party History", and built the teaching platform of "VR retakes the Long March Road",Organized and awarded the National Virtual Simulation Experience Teaching Center for Ideological and Political Courses in Colleges and Universities (2 nationwide)。

The Party committee of the school actively organized the party branch of the whole school to carry out the theme Party Day activities of "Seeking red footprints and carrying first-class mission",More than 1,000 teachers and students were organized to visit the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China,By visiting red venues, red old sites and red landscapes inside and outside the school,Draw the wisdom and strength of doing business from the vivid "red stories"。

Have role models to cultivate morality

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The first report on Peng Shilu's advanced deeds in national universities was held in Beijing Institute of Technology

"We called him 'the father of China's nuclear submarine', but Peng general disagreed, he said: I am not the father of nuclear submarines, I am just a screw on the nuclear submarine, a reclamation cow.。On June 18, the "model of The Times" and outstanding alumnus Peng Shilu's first report on the advanced deeds of national universities was held in Beijing Institute of Technology, and his emotional speech deeply infected teachers and students。

In the study and education of Party history, the school Party committee actively educates and guides party members and cadres teachers and students to learn from examples and models and cultivate their own moral sentiments by propagating exemplary examples and typical teachers and students。

In the past year,The first presentation of the centennial celebration of the Capital Education system service guarantee, the first presentation of the Capital's most beautiful universities, the "Beijing Model" excellent group report, and the Beijing Education system model Worker story report,It has created the characteristic working mode of "example and model lecture";Held the first "Sanquan Education" advanced typical selection and commendation for all staff;To carry out "youth role model" selection for all students;Launched a series of reports on teachers and students,Increase the publicity and learning of the role models around you。

Through publicity and learning examples, the majority of teachers and students have effectively enhanced their sense of responsibility and mission, enhanced their moral literacy, and actively transformed the harvest of Party history learning and education into conscious actions of hard work and courageous perseverance。

Take action to accomplish practical and good deeds

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Set up "Red Gene Culture bookcase" in College community

With the sound of "drop", swipe the campus card to open the cabinet door and borrow red books by yourself...In order to solve the problem of the lack of school history learning materials for teachers and students, the school Party Committee has set up six intelligent "red gene culture bookcases" in the college community of the whole school, providing teachers and students with a convenient "red reading experience".。

Doing good things for teachers and students is the focus and key of Party history study and education。The beginning of Party history study and education,The school party committee held a symposium between teachers and students,Listen to teachers and students,Solve problems between teachers and students,Carefully study and formulate the Implementation Plan for Practical Activities of "I Do Practical Things for the Masses",15 key projects and 574 projects have been formed in four areas,Conscientiously organize grass-roots Party organizations to widely carry out the theme of "I do practical things for the masses" Party Day activities,Strengthen control inspection and work supervision。

The school Party committee also strictly targets the central requirements, adheres to the leadership and the above rate, ensures full coverage of theoretical learning, all-round talk, in-depth review of problems, rectification and implementation, and seriously organizes more than 600 Party branches in the school to hold a thematic organization life of party history learning and education, forming an effective promotion。Under the above rate of the school leading team members, the dual organizational life system will be strictly implemented, the combination of learning and thinking, self-examination and improving the standing position, strengthening and improving the work in charge, and effectively the organizational life will be focused on strengthening the exercise of party spirit, firmly performing their duties, and doing a first-class career。

In the past year,Promote the conservation of the ecology of "appropriate learning from the north",Set up "Yanhe Union" curriculum ideological and political work committee,Realize inter-school curriculum selection,Built the first "career education theme space for college students" in national universities;We will promote the development of "smart northern principles",Upgrade the one-stop filing platform,Update the management information system,Construction of teacher service hall;Build a "warm north" atmosphere,Focus on Teachers' Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day and other important nodes,"Send moon cakes to all students", set up bus "waiting station" and other warm measures;Build a "beautiful Beili" campus,Carry out the "Beautify and brighten culture" action,The student activity area of Zhongguancun Campus Gymnasium is about 2000 square meters......

Over the past year, the scientific preparation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and a new round of "double first-class" construction plan, anchored the strategy and forward-looking layout, and took the construction of "6+7+2" first-class characteristic subject groups as the key task of the next stage of "double first-class" construction。We will continue to deepen comprehensive reform,Future Seiko Technology Institute was established,To build a new special zone for training top-notch innovative talents;The School of Integrated Circuits and Electronics, the School of Medical Technology and other professional schools were established, as well as teaching and research institutions such as the National Security and Development Institute and the Institute for Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Sciences,Optimize the establishment of professional colleges,Accelerate discipline integration and improve quality......

Under the careful planning, overall deployment and in-depth promotion of the school Party committee, the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" have achieved actual results, the ability of cadres to govern the school and teach has been improved, and the results of learning and education have been effectively transformed into the motivation of directors and entrepreneurs。

Inherit red genes and make good use of red resources

Learning education starts Yan 'an Spirit "Red brand"

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On April 25, Wang Chen, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and president of the China Yan 'an Spiritual Research Association (hereinafter referred to as the "China Yan 'an Spiritual Research Association"), made a special trip to Beijing Institute of Technology to investigate the development of the school's "Yan 'an Spirit into the campus" and spoke highly of the school's work。Beijing Institute of Technology is also the first university that Comrade Wang Chen investigated as the president of the China Extension Association。

How to make good use of the "red resources" of Beijing Institute of Technology and continue the red blood, and become the focus and focus of the school Party Committee in the study and education of Party history。Based on this, the school has in-depth cooperation with the Central Extension Association to vigorously promote the "Yan 'an Spirit into the campus", create a characteristic work brand, and become a national demonstration university of the "Yan 'an Spirit into the campus", and relevant practices have been published by the superior Party history learning education briefing。

Build a solid ideological foundation with Yan 'an spirit

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The descendants of Yan 'an revolutionary martyrs taught characteristic ideological and political courses

Innovative work forms, Yan 'an spirit into talent training, formed a "theory guide, curriculum integration, collaborative education" characteristic work mode。Jointly established the high-level theoretical think tank "Yan 'an Spirit and Chinese Youth Research Center" with the China Yanyan Association;The descendants of Yan 'an revolutionary martyrs are invited,Introduce characteristic ideological and political courses,Covering more than 7,800 undergraduates;Led the "Yanhe Alliance" 9 colleges and universities to establish a red education base in Yan 'an,Create a collaborative education practice platform,Launched an online course sharing platform,Let the spirit of Yan 'an be transformed into educational resources。

Strengthen value guidance with Yan 'an spirit

"The patriotic spirit of political firmness and determination to strengthen the country;The scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts and pursuing excellence;The entrepreneurial spirit of hard work and forging ahead;Indifferent to fame and wealth, tenacity without my dedication;The spirit of fulfilling the mission and casting the sword for the country。In the study and education of the Party history, as the expression of the Yan 'an spirit of the North Institute of Technology, the "Beijing Institute of Technology spirit" has become increasingly popular。

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New teachers go to Yan 'an to carry out "Yan 'an Root Search Plan"

Follow the red root pulse, take many measures at the same time, and promote the Yan 'an spirit into the brain and heart。Building "Red Spiritual Coordinates",Based on the Yan 'an spirit,"The Spirit of Beijing Institute of Technology",Combine online and offline,Innovation "we talk", "I tell" and other ways to strengthen propaganda;Create a "Red Cultural Landmark",The school history Hall, national defense culture theme square, art museum and other places held special exhibitions of Yan 'an spirit,Organize teachers and students to carry out party history learning education;Implement the "Yan 'an Root Search Plan",83 new teachers were organized to carry out walking and immersive learning in Yan 'an,Organized more than 1,000 teachers and students summer "Red Practice Group",Go to Yan 'an and other places to "pursue the growth of the Party"。

Use Yan 'an spirit to inspire mission responsibility

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Stage play "Xu Teli in the Long March"

"Although the sky is dark, but the stars all over the sky are giving us guidance, we also have stars in our hearts, the victory of the revolution, is the direction of progress!"On the stage, "Xu Teli" and several "small soldiers" sitting together, looking forward to the victory of the revolution, the eyes are full of light。On September 25, the stage play "Xu Teli in the Long March", which was written and directed by students of Xuteli College, premiered in Liangxiang Campus。

Carry forward the Yan 'an spirit,Created a "Red cultural works Matrix",Use vivid art works to encourage teachers and students to carry forward the Yan 'an spirit,Launch documentaries and feature films to promote Yan 'an spirit;The research results of school history figures in Yan 'an period were introduced.Hold "Yanhe Ode" concert;Launched the original stage play "Xu Teli in the Long March";Hold the "1229" chorus competition with the theme of promoting the Yan 'an Spirit,Achieved full coverage, tree quality, strong dissemination, wide mobilization...

Carry out theme publicity and refine experience methods

Learning and education to build a strong publicity pattern

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"Guangming Daily" "Red boat original heart" special edition of the school to carry out the party history learning and education of a full page report

"In the process of organizing teachers and students to carry out Party history learning and education, BTECH innovates ways and expands dimensions, combines red school history, creates red culture and creates a red atmosphere, and quietly integrates the 'learning and understanding' of Party history into daily life and focuses on the frequent, leading teachers and students to firmly follow the 'red education road'"。On March 18, the special edition of "Red Ship's Original Heart" of Guangming Daily carried out a full-page report on the study and education of Party history in schools。Beit also became the first university in the country to be covered by Guangming Daily in the study and education of Party history。

Grasp the theme propaganda of real positive energy, build a pattern of mainstream public opinion guidance, and become an important starting point for the study and education of Party history with high standards and high quality。The Party Committee of the school has built a good "one network one micro" publicity position, established a special website at the first time, released more than 880 news information, continued to push more than 490 "micro theory", and wrote and published 97 issues of work briefs。

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The special report written by our school was published on the whole page of the "Bright Scholar" column of Guangming Daily

In the past year,延安时期老校长徐特立、李强、全国优秀共产党员毛二可院士、全国五一劳动奖章获得者王海福、全国“最美大学生”宋哲……一个个闪亮的名字成为广大师生学习的榜样。Focusing on planning and launching the "footprint" and "model" series of special topics, reporting 78 people of various models (teams) throughout the year, and launching 5 reports on red school history figures。

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The front page of China Education Daily reported the typical experience of the Beijing Institute of Technology in carrying out innovative ideological and political work and elaborately building a high-level talent training system

In the past year,The red school history figures Chen Kangbai and Zhou Faqi were published in the "Bright Scholar" column of Guangming Daily.The first batch of "National University Huang Danian teachers Team" and the information security and confrontation teachers team of Beijing Institute of Technology appeared on "News Broadcast" twice;"China Education Daily" front-page headlines reported that the Beijing Institute of Technology to take the "red road of education", to create the "Beijing Institute of Technology model";"People's Daily", "Study Times" and other theoretical achievements of our school published 10...The school's Party history education has been reported by mainstream media more than 100 times,In the Central Party history learning education official website special report 10 times。

The school party committee also actively condensed the good experience and good methods in the work to do a good job in reporting。Since the development of Party history learning and education, the work briefing of higher units has published the characteristic practices of the school 29 times, of which the Central Party history learning and education briefing 10 times, the Ministry of Education briefing 13 times (special report 1 time), and the Beijing Simple edition 6 times (special report 2 times).。

Over the past year, the Party Committee of the school has earnestly implemented the deployment of the Party Central Committee, in accordance with the requirements of understanding the history of learning, increasing the credibility of learning history, learning Shi Chongde, and learning history, organized the majority of Party members, cadres, teachers and students to carry out the study and education of Party history with high standards and high quality, and conscientiously learned the Party history, understood the ideology, did practical things, and opened a new bureau。

Face the future,The Party Committee of the school will earnestly sum up the successful experience of party history learning and education,Establish regular and long-term institutional mechanisms,Continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of Party history learning and education,Continue to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,Carry forward the great spirit of Party building,Firmly follow the "Red education Road",Forge ahead with confidence on a new journey and build a new era,Take concrete actions to welcome the victory of the Party's 20th Congress。